TX-TL Crude Cell Extract Prep


CCE Prep Protocol – Fermentation Facility

  1. Prep 20 L 2xYT + P + 40 ug/mL chloramphenicol.

  2. StreakE. coliBL21 Rosetta 2 on 2xYT + P + 40 ug/mL 1.5% agar plate. Growovernight.

  3. Inoculate 1 colony into 300 mL 2xYT+P+40ug/mL to make seed flask. Grow tomid-log.

  4. Inoculate 20 L 2xYT+P+40ug/mL with seed flask. Grow ~3 hrs, until OD = 2.0 [Note: I’m 90% sure this equates to mid-log growth in this media]

  5. Collect cell pellet with continuous flow centrifuge.

  6. Add 6 mL cold S30A buffer per g cell pellet. Use overhead mixer to resuspend.

  7. Spin down 15 min, 7000 g, 4C. Decant supernatant.

  8. Repeat wash step.

  9. Resuspend cells in 1 mL cold S30A per g cell pellet.

  10. Run cells through microfluidizer 2x. (cell suspension will change from beige to brown – get darker – as cells are lysed)

  11. Centrifuge lysate at 14k RPM (~14k g) for 1 hr at 4C.

  12. Siphon off supernatant and incubate at 37C, shaking, open to air, for 80 min.

  13. Spin down 1 hr, 14k RPM, 4C.

  14. Filter thru 0.1 um filter to remove any remaining large cell debris/cells.

  15. Diafiltration on filtrate for 22 hrs, using S30B buffer. Run 2-3 retentate volumesthrough. Do not concentrate!

  16. Measure protein concentration (should be 20-30 mg/mL).

    1. In the final TX-TL setup, CCE is 1/3rd of reaction mixture, leading to afinal protein concentration of 6.7-10 mg/mL

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